Course Conclusion


Introductory Options Trading Course Conclusion


First… If you made it all the way through… Thank You, and if I’m not being to bold, You’re Welcome!


I hope everyone was able to value in some way or another from the information provided in this introductory course. I’m sad to say that from here things can and likely will become more complicated, but potentially more profitable as well. So it’s kind of a trade off.


Throughout this site you’ll find that I typically only make few types of options trades and… psst… it isn’t buying long calls and puts as demonstrated here. This strategy is much to risky for my liking and with the exception of only a few trades, I’ve been unsuccessful with it.


There are several factors that must be considered before employing a long call or long put options strategy. In fact, so many I won’t discuss them here because they’ll only breed confusion. For now, enjoy that you’re well on your way to becoming a successful and/or profitable options trader.


You’ll notice I trade primarily vertical spreads, iron condors, and Calendar spreads. These strategies suit me best for 3 reasons.


– My losses are limited.

– I can capitalize on any market direction.

– I can earn an income.


Should you choose to follow, I’ll share with you my favorite strategies, sound trading practices, things to avoid like the plague and so much more!


Take a look around, familiarize yourself with everything, and if you ever have a question. I’m always here to help.


Final Thoughts


I tried my absolute best to provide as much information as I possible while still maintaining a level of simplicity a new option trader needs. Please don’t expect this to have been a comprehensive course on options trading, it isn’t and wasn’t intended to be.


This course was meant to;

– Provide the basic information necessary to trade options.

– Demonstrate an options trade.

– Provide “some” steps for finding and entering a trade.

– Highlight some of the nuances of options trading and the ThinkorSwim platform.


For which I believe it succeeds. If you feel I’ve left something out or you have information that could make it better for everyone please don’t hesitate to reach me. I look forward to hearing from you.


Again… Thank you for sticking with it and making it to this point.


If you’re up for it now… Check out the strategy sections to ramp up your options know how and take your game to the next level.

Exit the Trade
